Pre-Kindergarten Supply List
School Year: 2025-2026
Grades: PreK
Classes: All Pre-Kindergarten Teachers
1Change of Clothes (Toddler, Child, Teen)complete change of clothing including underpants and socks in a labeled Ziploc bag.
1Crayola® Colored Pencils, 12 Count
1Crayola® Washable Markers, 8 Count
1Crayons, 16 Count
1Elmer's® Glue Stick
1Fiskars Scissors 5" Kids (ages 4+), Blunt/RoundedPair
1Rest/Naptime Mats1 1⁄2” - 1 3⁄4” (thick)
1Small Pillowchild sized
2Towelbeach sized
1Water Bottlerefillable
1Watercolor Paints, 8 Colors, with Brush
1White Board (small)(if you can find one)
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